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Author: blperry

The lab attends Plant and Animal Genomes 32 in San Diego!

The lab attends Plant and Animal Genomes 32 in San Diego!

Members of the Kelley Lab attended the Plant and Animal Genomes 32 conference in San Diego last week. In total, the lab presented five posters and four talks!


(Kelley Lab members and alumni in bold, presenting author underlined)

Ryan, K., De-Kayne, R., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Tobler, M., Kelley, J.L. (2025) Movement of Adaptive Alleles Among Locally Adapted Fish Populations. Plant and Animal Genomes 2025. San Diego, CA.

Bogan, S.N., Moosman, O.W., Yee, M.C., Kline, I., Place, S.P., Kelley, J.L. (2025) Determining Causes and Consequences of Copy Number Evolution in Antifreeze Protein Genes of Polar Fishes Using Long-read Sequencing. Plant and Animal Genomes 2025. San Diego, CA

Kelley, J.L., Ryan, K., Tobler, M. (2025) Parallel Adaptation in Sympatric Extremophile Fishes. Plant and Animal Genomes 2025. San Diego, CA

Perry, B.W., Duttke, S., Jansen, H.T., Robbins, C.T., Kelley, J.L. (2025) Regulatory evolution and physiological adaptation: insight from hibernation in bears. Plant and Animal Genomes 2025. San Diego, CA.


(Kelley Lab members and alumni in bold, presenting author underlined)

Ryan, K., De-Kayne, R., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Tobler, M., Kelley, J.L. (2025) Adapting to Toxicity: Identifying the Source of Adaptive Variation in the Repeated Evolution of Hydrogen Sulfide Tolerance in Live-Bearing Fishes [Poster Presentation]. Plant and Animal Genomes 2025. San Diego, CA

Jeremias-Lin, A., Ryan, K., Arias-Rodriguez, L., Tobler, M., Kelley, J.L. (2025) Utilizing Genomic Approaches to Understand the Evolution and Demography of Sulfide-Adapted Gambusia and to Further Conservation Efforts for the Species [Poster Presentation]. Plant and Animal Genomes 2025. San Diego, CA

Salih, D., Armstrong, E.E., Kelley, J.L. (2025). Linking historical brown bear (Ursus arctos) micro satellite data with current whole-genome sequencing data using STR-detection tools. [Poster Presentation]. Plant and Animal Genomes 2025. San Diego, CA.

Cai, Q., S.N. Bogan, W. Dowd*, J.L. Kelley* (2025) DNA methylation underlies responses to heat stress in the California mussel. [Poster Presentation]. Plant and Animal Genomes 2025. San Diego, CA.

Moosman, O.W., Kelley, J.L., Bogan, S.N. (2025) Validating Gene Copy Number Variation in Haplotypes of Phased Genome Assemblies: A Study of Antifreeze Protein Genes in Marine Fishes [Poster Presentation]. Plant and Animal Genomes 2025. San Diego, CA


Kelley Lab members at the PacBio party
The lab attends SMBE 2024 in Puerto Vallarta

The lab attends SMBE 2024 in Puerto Vallarta

The lab attended the Annual Meeting of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico this July. Joanna, Sam, and Tina presented research, and Ellie co-organized a symposium on sex chromosomes. Check out some photos from the conference!

Tina accepted to NSF-Sponsored Polar Genomics Workshop at University of Florida

Tina accepted to NSF-Sponsored Polar Genomics Workshop at University of Florida

Tina was accepted to attend the NSF-Sponsored workshop “Detecting adaptive evolutionary events in genomes of polar species” at the Whitney Laboratory for Marine Bioscience, St. Augustine, Florida. This workshop will cover methods for analyzing positive selection in diverse organisms and provide opportunities to network with other polar biologists.

Congratulations Tina!

Abby and Grace present undergraduate research at WSU SURCA

Abby and Grace present undergraduate research at WSU SURCA

Undergraduate researchers Abby and Grace presented research posters at the 2024 Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA) at Washington State University!

Abby presented work on sex-specific gene expression in hibernating bears and Grace presented work on mitochondrial genomes and population genomics of brown bears.

Congratulations to Abby and Grace!

Abby presents at WSU SURCA 2024
Abby presents at WSU SURCA 2024

Grace presents at WSU SURCA 2024.
Grace presents at WSU SURCA 2024.

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